Search DEV and ARK

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

"Holiday Season!" by DEV

Can you smell the fresh, decaying scent of rotten fish and eggs?

Well, brush your teeth... because what you're supposed to be sniffing is the fresh air of Christmas!

Yes, folks, it's that time of the year again!

Ti's the season to be hanging socks on walls for no reason!
Ti's the season to be hiding from your nieces, nephews and godchildren!

Ti's the season to be cutting down trees, and watching them slowly die in your living room, while you wrap them with colorful lights!

Oh, how I love this season.

And it can't be stopped. It's coming, and it's coming soon. BWAHAHAHAHA!

I mean, HO HO HO.


So basically, Ark and I were gone for like, several months, 'cause this Real World thing sure scared us. We flew back to Heaven!

I dunno how you folks do it, but you humans got my respect.

But let's pretend we were never gone, 'cause Dev and Ark are back, bitches!

Kent apologizes for leaving you out in the cold.

Here, have some flames.

(Okay, okay, we missed you too. Okay, fine. We love you.)

Saturday, June 21, 2014

"Life Update" by ARK

Hello, guys. It's been a while.

I know I haven't posted in a while, and this is just to inform you that Dev and I are still alive. We're currently exploring this realm humans call the "Real World."

It makes me wonder if that means everything we've ever seen in this world were fake or were just illusions.

We've taken flight.

We have jobs. I forced Dev to work with me, because this Real World adventure is just too scary, and I can't survive without him.

We're fine. My mind is tossing here and there everyday, wondering what this dimension has in store for me...but I'm okay.

We're scared. I've never seen Dev openly scared before, but he's displaying fear now.

We're alive. I am unsure if that means we're also living, but we have all the time in the world to find out.

We're happy. There are a lot of things to be happy about and we do not let them go unnoticed.

Things change. Apparently, this applies to the rest of the universe.

The universe can change in an instant, and now we know that.

But don't worry, I'm still Ark, and Dev's still Dev.

We're alive. We're quiet. But we're starting a revolution in this new dimension.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

“Wicca: My Opinion About Opinions” by ARK

I can now officially say that I know a real life witch. A human witch. Not just the kind you see on television, or in the movies, or at your mother-in-law’s house.

Have you heard of the word “Wicca?”

When I first heard this, I thought it sounded cool. I even imagined writing a book using the catchy title. (And I still call dibs on that idea. Dibs.) But then I found out that Wicca is a religion: a pagan religion that centers on witchcraft.

That made the word even cooler for me.

I asked the said Wiccan what his religion was all about, and he explained it to me very nicely. Wiccans believe in spells, astral projection, and other witchcraft-related things.

However, he said that their beliefs vary according to person. Some of them see it scientifically, while others prefer the mystical point-of-view.

But because I’m not a Wiccan, I am not here to endorse their religion. Instead, I want to talk about how the said witch had to endure a lot of criticism just for believing what he believed.

This is my opinion on opinions.

I think everybody has a mind of their own.

I think everybody has the right to form opinions.

I think everybody who has a mind has an opinion.

I don’t think we always have to express our opinions.

I think we can freely express our opinions any time we want.

I think all our opinions are valid, as long as we don’t hurt other people.

I think we have the right to ignore opinions, if they are hurting us.

I think all opinions are flawed, because there are always exceptions to every rule.

I don’t care if our opinions are different. That’s the reason we have one brain each. It’s where we form our opinions based on everything we've learned. It’s also where we keep our opinions hidden, if the time is inappropriate.

We all have the power to create our own thoughts. We’ve also been entrusted with the responsibility to use them properly. No matter what your mind tells you to think, you should remember to respect what everybody else is thinking.