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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

"Everlasting" by BOO

"Ladies and gentlemen, behold the Everlasting tree," said a man in a suit.

A round of applause broke the silence in the solid white room. They were scientists and professionals, staring expressionlessly at the grand tree that emerged from a brown hole of soil underneath.

"This rare specimen was grown from an alien seed that our exploration team unearthed from a nearby planet. We don't know much about it yet, but that's what you are here for," he chuckled. "You may freely examine it. Afterwards, please send me all your findings. Have a good day."

The scientists proceeded to observe the tree, picking leaves and feeling the branches.

One particular member of the research group, Dr. Joshua Everett, merely stared at the Everlasting tree. His interest grew with each second of his exposure to the great specimen, but he didn't move from his spot.

It was compelling him to come closer, but something kept him from doing it. And as he resisted the urge to observe the tree, Dr. Everett felt a stinging sensation in his head. Soon he was having an intense headache.

The pain became unbearable and he had to leave the room.

Shutting the door behind him, he realized it was the strangest sensation he has ever felt. Worse still, his headache hasn't left him.

He drove home and spent the entire night drinking, hoping that the pain would leave him be. But the more he resisted, the worse his condition became.

In the middle of the night, Dr. Everett drove himself back to his office, sneaking into that same white room where the Everlasting tree rested.

Drunk and shaky, the scientist turned on all the lights and stared at the marvelous tree's beauty. He couldn't help but smile as the headache faded on its own.

He looked at the tree intently, surrendering to its mental grasp. He didn't even notice his colleague's bodies that slumped all over the floor.

He was focused on the Everlasting.

He walked closer and closer to it, slowly taking off his own clothes. As he removed his last article of clothing, he laughed at himself, taking pride in what he was about to do,

Dr. Everett lost control over his actions, and he found himself hugging the tree's trunk. He gripped its bark and made love to the Everlasting. It was ecstasy and terror, mixed into one amazing sensation.

The next morning, he woke up lying close to the alien tree's roots. His stomach felt swollen and his headache had returned, but his face was a symbol of bliss.

The scientist never bothered to stand up. He felt himself fading.

His skin dried up, along with the rest of his body. He never bothered to struggle. He has never felt happier.

Dr. Everett crumbled into soil, leaving behind a single alien seed within the earthy remains of his human body.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

"Letting Go" by ARK

There are many things in this human world that we do not own, nor can we ever. Each individual has his own set of possessions that he may or may not share with others.

But these are not always material things.

Our possessions include memories, experiences, knowledge, talents, skills, pains, and problems. We all have our blessings, and we all have our burdens.

We carry them as baggage within the comforts of our minds. Only we can determine how heavy they are.

But one thing that humans seem to forget is the fact that they do not have to carry everything all the time. Some have forgotten the concept of letting go.

While walking on the path of life, we will sometimes find ourselves being slowed down by unnecessary objects that we still choose to carry.

It is important that we learn to let these go.

Letting go does not always mean having to forget about something. A painful memory will linger in your mind whether you like it or not. But instead we can make peace with the past, so we can finally step into the future.

Accept the things you can't change, and face the darkness of yesterday's trials. Only then can you truly let them go.

Another thing that is hard to pass up are opportunities. As much as possible, we try not to let these slip our grasp. And while we must strive to fight for these rare moments, we must also learn that some things just don't work out no matter how hard we try.

There are more to come, and you must not worry about it. Let all your regret go. We have an entire lifetime of opportunities ahead of us.

Let go of all the things that slow you down and let the winds of life take you away.

And when you do, you'll feel how good it is to be free.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

"How to Hide From Your Friends!" by DEV

There are millions of blog posts out there that will tell you how important friendship is. I know, I counted.

Everyone will tell you to take good care of your friends, spend quality time with them, and even cherish them. But that's hella boring if you ask me.

What you should actually do is hide from them so they would miss the crap out of you. And when the time comes that you show up to their lowly human presence, they would appreciate you more and realize how much they love you.

So here are some totally legit tips on how to hide from your friends, courtesy of the best ninja in the blogosphere (that's me).

"How to Hide From Your Friends" by DEV

1. Draw a mole on your face.

Warning: I can't guarantee that this first technique is 100% effective.

It relies on the hunch that your friends don't really care about you, and they haven't memorized your face. Drawing a dot-like image onto any part of your face is sure to make you completely unrecognizable.

Additional tip: Borrowing someone else's mole might work better. Please don't forget to return it to them afterwards.
(You wanna mole?)

2. Wear glasses.

Who can argue with this? It's a tried-and-tested technique that even Superman *ehem* Clark Kent utilized. Why wouldn't it work for you?

("Yeah, I look like him, but Superman doesn't wear glasses, so...")

Additional tip: If your friends can still see through this reliable disguise, maybe they're a little too smart for you. Better look for new friends.

3. Go incognito.

Wait. You mean Ctrl + Shift + N doesn't work in real life?

Ugh. That sucks. On to the next tip.

4. Hide in a monkey's ass.

I don't think I have to explain this one. Who would even think about looking in there? If you can just squeeze yourself into that tight spot, you are in the clear for the next few months. Hide in there for as long as you want, man, nobody will ever find you.

(Hey look, Jim. There's a human in your ass.)

5. Disguise as cash, and blend in with the rest of the national budget.

This one is a bit tricky, but if you manage to convince a politician that you are a part of the national budget, then you're sure to be gone forever.

You'll be spending lots of time in his pocket, and nobody will ever know where you went. Not even your closest friends.

(Hello, senator.)

6. Take a trip to the Bermuda Triangle.

Because that shit is creepy and nobody wants to go there. Plan a vacation to this lovely place and your friends will miss you for a long time.

(Next stop, nowhere.)

Additional tip: Atlantis is a great weekend getaway too.

7. Hide in your ex-girlfriend's heart.

This only works if you can find her heart in the first place. A bit of a warning though, if you ever find it, pack something warm. It's cold in there, and everything's made of stone.

Additional tip: This also works on ex-boyfriends, mind you,

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

"Songs of the Moment" by POP

Hi there! I'm Pop, the resident pop star of the Dev and Ark apartment. The brothers invited me to post a few songs I find cool at the moment, and that's exactly what I'll do.

Check 'em out. I hope you enjoy them as well.

1. "Cool For the Summer" by Demi Lovato

Since we're talking about cool songs, might as well include one that literally has the word 'cool' in its title. This song is really catchy, and the lyrics are very suggestive. Not to mention that Demi Lovato was really sexy in this music video. She's not just sexy though, she's also aggressive and fierce.

2. "Cheerleader" by OMI

The last time I checked, this song is Billboard's number one. It's getting a lot of hate for the autotuned vocals, but I think it is a fun, simple, and refreshing song. It steers clear of the usual drugs, sex, and money theme of pop music. Instead, it goes for straight admiration of the singer's 'cheerleader.' It deserves the spot.

3. "Style" by Taylor Swift

This next song really relaxes me. I don't know how, but maybe it's the catchy chorus that I can't help but sing along to. In my opinion, it explores the dark side of every relationship, wherein things aren't always as bright and shiny as it's supposed to be. Instead, it struggles through that darkness and somehow survives, and never goes out of style.

4. "Somewhere Only We Know" by Keane

This one is really deep and meaningful. I like the Glee version of this song too. It's all about realizing your missing pieces, and finding them with the help of someone who is just as broken as you are. In the end, everyone is broken somehow, but you will always find comfort in going to that special place with your special someone.

5. "Hey Mama" by Zedd feat. Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha and Afrojack

The part that I like most about this song is the chorus. 'Nuff said.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

"How to Save a Life" by ARK

"We can't afford to be heroes," that's what you'll hear them say.

But, yes, we actually can. It's just that we have so many things going on for us already, that we sometimes feel like we are in need of saving.

We have so many burdens and problems that even our super powers can't handle. So when faced with a villain, especially someone else's, we hide our capes.

But that is exactly the point.

Even in life's darkest moments, and even when you feel like the world is coming to an end, you must not forget that you are still a hero, and all your capabilities are hiding within.

Yes, we can't save everyone, but we can save ourselves. Save yourself. Don't let everything collapse upon you.

That is how you save a life. You save your own.

It sounds selfish, but it's the only way to spare yourself from all the problems that are trying to consume you. It's the best way to survive, so you could save somebody else someday.

Be your own hero, and never, ever give up on life.

Gather your strength, wear your cape proud, and brace yourself. The best is yet to come.

Friday, August 7, 2015

"Totally Legit Dating Tips!" by DEV

Dates are fucking scary, and it could go wrong in so many horrible ways.

(*gasps* Intimacy?!)

Lucky for you we've got some awesomazing advice from the one and only love expert in the blogosphere (that's me).

Here are a few tips, tricks, and cheat codes to make that romantic night even more memorable than you are capable of making it.

"Totally Legit Dating Tips" by DEV

1. Disguise as a celebrity.

The cardinal rule in dating is to make a good first impression. So if you show up to your date wearing nothing on your face, but your face, then you're doing it wrong.

Dress like a star. Better yet, sneak into your chosen celebrity's home and steal their clothing. Include jewelry.

("Hi, Lindsay Lohan. I came to steal your clothes.")

Next, print out a mask (make sure the new face looks better than yours) and attach rubber bands to the sides. Spray on some perfume and you are ready to go!

(Adam Levine mask is a hit with the ladies.)

Additional tip: You don't have to wear it all throughout the date, if you're concerned with "being yourself" and all that crap. You just have to make a decent first impression.

("Oh, shit. Lindsay's calling the cops.")

2. Wear a chicken suit.

Another way to nab that 'wow factor' right from the very start is to resemble a chicken. You can choose between the regular, feathery chicken, or the fried version. Why? Because people love chicken, duh.

(Dat sex appeal.)

3. Wink every now and then.

Winking is like blinking, only lazier. You do it with just an eye. But this simple action can "turn on" your partner.

And by "turn on," I mean you can alert him to the presence of drugs in your purse or bag. That's sure to impress any date. Unless he's a cop.

Additional tip: You can take this one step further by winking every three seconds, and then gradually speeding it up, eventually achieving a seizure. Foam in the mouth for bonus points.

(This trick also works if your date turns out to be a cop.)

4. Be a gentleman.

Before sitting at the dining table, be sure to pull a chair for your date. This is a sign of courtesy. You can surprise your partner by pulling it away from her as she sits. Try not to laugh as she falls to the floor, and gently help her get back up.

5. Be kind to the waiter.

Just as how you should try to be kind to everyone, you must be kind to the people who serve your food. Not only can they totally mess with the things that are going into your mouth, they also deserve respect.

Be extra nice to the waiter. Invite him over and let him eat with you. Ignore his angry manager.

Get to know him. Ask him if he can go see a movie with you some time.

Additional tip: You can choose the non-conventional method. Have the waiter sit with your date, while you go do his job for him. That's a great way to be nice. Your date will appreciate that.

6. Pick a special movie.

The proper way to pick a movie is to choose one that both of you will like. Try Terminator. Everyone loves that shit.

(The face of romance.)

You can go the cheesy way by selecting a romantic movie, but that's one fucking boring idea. Might as well puke rainbows on your partner.

7. Reject every kiss attempt.

So you see your date closing her eyes and leaning in for a smoocher. What do you do???

This one is important. You can choose to be the victim, or you can do the right thing and punch your partner in the face. Avoid all forms of intimacy.

("Keep those lips to yourself, Arnold.")

Don't kiss before marriage. Don't touch her hand. Don't even look at her. Stay at home, if you can. Why are you even dating???

8. Escort her home.

In one piece, if you may.

Then quarantine your date, and run the hell away. What were you thinking?

Stay pure, folks!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

"Why We Need Bees" by FIN


Hello, humans. Today, we will discuss a huge dilemma that not many people really know about. It's called the Colony Collapse Disorder, also known as the BEEMAGEDDON.

Honey bees have been dying at a worrisome rate since at least 2010.

"Oh, Finn, it's no big deal. Bugs die everyday and there are millions more to spare."

We're not talking about ten or twenty bees per year. We're talking colonies.

And if you're not convinced by the report of a talking shark, here's a link to a more credible source.

For those of you who can't be bothered to read through similar articles, at least 20% of losses were recorded from managed colonies for the past four years.

This means that the precious bee population is plummeting, and if nothing is done about it, they can go extinct.

And the problem is still there.

Why do we have to know about this? Well, here are the reasons:

"Top 5 Reasons Why We Need Bees"

1. They produce our food.

Through a process called 'pollination,' bees help produce all kinds of crops. We eat these crops. Simply put, if all the bees die, THEY ARE TAKING US WITH THEM.

2. They produce pretty flowers.

Flowers bloom across entire fields because bees help scatter their pollen. If food is not enough to convince you that these precious flyers are important, then maybe you need to see a few pretty flowers and be reminded what it's like to BE ALIVE.

3. They are more adorable than wasps.

Bees are friendly. They will brighten up your day. Hornets and wasps will fuck your brains out.


4. They are the reason for the existence of this awesome movie.

It made no sense, but it was a fun adventure all throughout. Maybe watch this and rethink your life.

5. They are hardworking and deserve to be an inspiration for us all.

Working all day, buzzing around fabulously, and never complaining. They are very dedicated, even when the going gets tough.

To conclude this blog post, BEES ARE IMPORTANT AND THEY MUST NOT DIE. Maybe go say hi to that bee in your garden instead of just running away for dear life.

It's THIS motherfucker you must be careful around anyway.

If you need me, I'll be going out there, beating up a few humans who mistreat their bees. I'll try to find a solution to this pollen problem while I'm at it.

Here are a few more helpful articles about the Beemageddon:

Another explanation on why we need bees:

The possible cause of the Colony Collapse Disorder:

Peace out!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

"The Brain and The Heart" by ARK

So you've fallen in love.

You feel a need to be with that person every single day, and you want to spend every waking minute with him or her.

But for some reason, there's something pulling you away from that person, and you know it's not an external force. You feel like you are holding yourself back.

It feels like your brain is keeping you from fulfilling the wishes of your heart.

Believe it or not, a lot of humans go through this agony. It is an internal conflict that no one else can help you with, and you have to figure it out for yourself.

There are many different reasons why you are experiencing this struggle, and only you can identify them. But it all boils down to one very difficult situation: your brain is battling with your heart.

It's not a literal battle, mind you. Here's where I try to help you out.

From my knowledge, I am aware that humans are made of different organs, included are the conflicting parts known as the brain and the heart.

The brain is in charge of your thoughts and actions, and all the heart does is pump blood.

For ages now, humans have associated their hearts with their emotions, and more importantly, the concept of love.

And when it comes to the great "Brain vs. Heart Battle" the brain is often treated as the villain, and that the heart has to conquer it.

The brain does more than just think and control our actions, it also takes into consideration all of the things about a potential human relationship, which sadly includes all the possible problems.

What are the things that could go wrong with this love? What could cause the end of this relationship?

Those are the questions we do not want answered, but we have to face anyway. And so, the conflict continues.

Observing the human anatomy, you will see that the heart and the brain is connected. One would not survive without the other. They both help you survive, so neither is the hero, nor the villain.

Love is no exception to this. It is a part of your organs' job description.

This so-called 'conflict' is just the brain and the heart doing their part in keeping you safe, unhurt, and alive.

You are only experiencing this because your love is so strong that it is threatening your existence.

The only way to find a solution is to identify the problems and find a healthy balance to it. You must find an answer that pleases both your heart and your mind in some way. There must be a way to compromise, because you need both organs to live.

Figuratively, you must answer all the questions your brain throws, while keeping your emotions controlled. And when you find the answers, you can pursue that love passionately; as intensely as your heart allows.

The balance of the heart and the brain is the only path to take. You must thread the realities of your relationship while keeping that dream of an eternal love alive.

With that I wish you the best of luck! Both your heart and your brain deserve to be happy. :)

Friday, July 31, 2015

"The Blue Moon Theories!" by DEV

Tonight, we're seeing a strange phenomenon known as the Blue Moon.

What's so 'strange' about it, you ask? Well, it's the fact that the moon is not f*cking blue. Have ya'll gone blind?

A few explanations are available online as to why we're calling it a "Blue Moon" when it's the exact same color as usual. But being a lazy ass, I didn't read any of them.You'll find the links below, if you're really into that.

Now here are a few theories about the Blue Moon phenomenon, and what it is really all about:

Theory Number 1: The Moon Hates Pluto

So a few days ago, this little space rock called Pluto flew by, reminding us how awesome it is, and why we shouldn't have removed it from our list of planets.

(That was a dick move, btw. Pluto totally deserves better.)

For a moment, we were so totally captivated by Pluto's new look that we regretted breaking up with it in the first place.

Like a jealous lover, the Moon felt it was being overshadowed by this other heavenly body. That's why we're having a Blue Moon. It's the Moon being an attention-seeker.

(Ugh. We see you every night, Moon.)

Theory Number 2: Werewolves

You know how werewolves only come to hang out when there's a full moon? Yeah, those assholes never show up at parties.

But an unusual breed of werewolves only appear during the Blue Moon. F*ck yeah, blue werewolves!

(A dangerous combination of a bloodthirsty wolf and a Smurf)

This theory supports the existence of Smurfwolves. Hell yes.

Theory Number 3: The Moon is Sad

Maybe the moon is literally feeling blue! Maybe it's going through a break-up or something. Maybe 'bae' won't talk to him/her.

(*insert sad song*)

Oh come on. You'll find someone better, Moon.

Okay, I can only really count to three. So that's all the theories I got. Someone please explain this Blue Moon business to me!

And please don't make me read these informative links. P.S. I don't own these.