A round of applause broke the silence in the solid white room. They were scientists and professionals, staring expressionlessly at the grand tree that emerged from a brown hole of soil underneath.
"This rare specimen was grown from an alien seed that our exploration team unearthed from a nearby planet. We don't know much about it yet, but that's what you are here for," he chuckled. "You may freely examine it. Afterwards, please send me all your findings. Have a good day."
The scientists proceeded to observe the tree, picking leaves and feeling the branches.

It was compelling him to come closer, but something kept him from doing it. And as he resisted the urge to observe the tree, Dr. Everett felt a stinging sensation in his head. Soon he was having an intense headache.
The pain became unbearable and he had to leave the room.
Shutting the door behind him, he realized it was the strangest sensation he has ever felt. Worse still, his headache hasn't left him.
He drove home and spent the entire night drinking, hoping that the pain would leave him be. But the more he resisted, the worse his condition became.
In the middle of the night, Dr. Everett drove himself back to his office, sneaking into that same white room where the Everlasting tree rested.

He looked at the tree intently, surrendering to its mental grasp. He didn't even notice his colleague's bodies that slumped all over the floor.
He was focused on the Everlasting.
He walked closer and closer to it, slowly taking off his own clothes. As he removed his last article of clothing, he laughed at himself, taking pride in what he was about to do,
Dr. Everett lost control over his actions, and he found himself hugging the tree's trunk. He gripped its bark and made love to the Everlasting. It was ecstasy and terror, mixed into one amazing sensation.
The next morning, he woke up lying close to the alien tree's roots. His stomach felt swollen and his headache had returned, but his face was a symbol of bliss.
The scientist never bothered to stand up. He felt himself fading.
His skin dried up, along with the rest of his body. He never bothered to struggle. He has never felt happier.
Dr. Everett crumbled into soil, leaving behind a single alien seed within the earthy remains of his human body.
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