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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

"Holiday Season!" by DEV

Can you smell the fresh, decaying scent of rotten fish and eggs?

Well, brush your teeth... because what you're supposed to be sniffing is the fresh air of Christmas!

Yes, folks, it's that time of the year again!

Ti's the season to be hanging socks on walls for no reason!
Ti's the season to be hiding from your nieces, nephews and godchildren!

Ti's the season to be cutting down trees, and watching them slowly die in your living room, while you wrap them with colorful lights!

Oh, how I love this season.

And it can't be stopped. It's coming, and it's coming soon. BWAHAHAHAHA!

I mean, HO HO HO.


So basically, Ark and I were gone for like, several months, 'cause this Real World thing sure scared us. We flew back to Heaven!

I dunno how you folks do it, but you humans got my respect.

But let's pretend we were never gone, 'cause Dev and Ark are back, bitches!

Kent apologizes for leaving you out in the cold.

Here, have some flames.

(Okay, okay, we missed you too. Okay, fine. We love you.)