It's been very cold and empty here on my blog for a few weeks. It wasn't the kind of welcome 2014 was supposed to receive from Dev and I, but you know, it happens.
To start this off I'd like to tell you guys my resolution:

Last year, I focused on myself more than anything. And I must admit I enjoyed the entire experience. I felt myself growing out of my shell. Hatching.
I felt myself going out there, doing things I never would have done.
I felt myself "being myself" for the first time.
The best part was that I felt happy while doing it.
Remember the Good Pad I told you about before? The notebook filled with a lot of happy memories that year? I can use that to write a story that started in January and ended in December. That's how great my year was. I want to write about it.

Bad things happen, yes. But worse things would happen if you don't do anything about them immediately.
I've made a few decisions that hurt others, I'm sure more than it hurt me.
But over all, 2013 will always be one of the best years of my life. It wasn't something everyone can see. I enjoyed the year so much because it was very personal.
Now this year, 2014, will be even greater.
I plan on making a few more enemies along the way, but that's just because it happens to everyone. Having people who hate you means that you respect yourself enough to say what you wanna say. And this year is all about speaking out.
If I don't apply what I learned in 2013, it would be as if I learned nothing at all.
If I truly learned how to love myself more last year, I hope 2014 sees the result of that love.
I had wings all this time, but I've never truly hatched. I'm in an egg of hatred. I am willing to admit that I might be depressed. I feel like bursting into tears at random moments.
But Ill be alright. Too many people will celebrate if I let this get me down. Screw them.
2014 did not start too well for me, but the story's just beginning. Now that I'm slowly moving out of this comfort zone, everything will be exactly the way I want it to be. Cheers!
P.S. DEV hasn't been posting a lot 'cause he's been busy playing Team Fortress 2. I bet he'll blog about this sometime this year. Haha. Meanwhile, another reason I haven't been posting much is because I've been writing a novel. I'm sad, and I want this sadness to create something beautiful.
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