ARK: I told you, I saw it coming from under my bed! And now it has posted something on our blog!
DEV: Wonder what this shit means?
ARK: It does not even look like a human language.
DEV: Whaddaya expect from someone with purple skin and only ONE eye?
ARK: I'll borrow the universal translator I gave to Max. Maybe we can decipher it.
MAX: (comes in from his room) That is a foolish idea. Your translator only works on languages recognized from our universe.

DEV: What are ya' blabbering about, alien???
MAX: It means that my translator won't work on him, because I hypothesize he is not even from this dimension.
ARK: Where do you think did it come from?
MAX: No need to fear, imbeciles. I have brought with me an advanced gadget that deciphers codes and languages from any realm. Allow me to try it on the creature's blog entry. I assume this monstrosity is not an Earth creature, yes?
DEV: Well yeah, that's why we're freaking out! And don't ya' dare call me an "air missile" again. I'm more awezome than any air missile.
ARK: He said imbecile.

DEV: Whatever.
MAX: Keep your mouths shut. Here's what I have translated:
"The Ultimate Monster!" by BOO
Umm...hi everybody... I'm Boo. The King of all Monsters.
So, umm... we've been living in the underworld for ages, and... I
just came here to visit, 'cause I... I was looking for one of our fellowmen.
I hope you don't mind if I use this blog as a public notice. This
monster, whose name I can't remember, is a very dangerous beast. Please be
I don't want you to be harmed by him, so I'm going to do my best
to find him as soon as possible. I hope you understand. :)
Don't worry, I'm gonna drag him back with me to the Monster World
as soon as I catch him. I don't want him to cause any trouble. So please,
please, please bear with me. I hope you understand.
This devilish creature called Dev, he calls himself
"awezome", right? I am so sorry for spying on this particular
household. The Ultimate Monster has been last detected here, so I've been
snooping. Again, I apologize. :)
There! That's all I have to say. I can't do this in the morning,
so I'm posting this right now, while everyone is asleep. I'm afraid I might
scare them, particularly the cute human girl named Jen. I heard she's quite
easy to scare.
As soon as you finish reading this, you will immediately forget!
So sleep tight, young human. You have a great day ahead of you tomorrow. :)
DEV: Okay, that makes more sense.
ARK: It calls itself... Boo?
MAX: I believe so. Now keep that translator and strap it onto him the next time you see him. I no longer wish to be bothered regarding this matter again, clear?
ARK: Clear.
DEV: Whatevs, alien dude.
ARK: Hmm...the King of Monsters, huh? He is hiding somewhere inside the apartment.
DEV: Totally creepy.
ARK: But he's rather polite, for a monster.
DEV: And kinda cute. Cut not as cute as meh.
ARK: But he's rather polite, for a monster.
DEV: And kinda cute. Cut not as cute as meh.
ARK: I wonder what this creature he's searching for looks like?
DEV: *yawns* Nah, do I look like I care?
DEV: See dude, it's their problem. If this Boo guy wants to stay under our beds all year long, he's welcome. Far as I'm concerned, my awesomazing cred is recognized in the UNDERWORLD. That's fucking cool if you ask me.
ARK: *sighs* Jen and I are gonna investigate this.
DEV: Do I really look like an air missile to you? I think that alien creep was trying to insulate us again.
ARK: *Insult. And yes, you are definitely an air missile, Dev. Definitely.
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