This week was overwhaling.
As you guys know, Ark and I have been going to school for a week now. And within that week, only three had us going to class. Within those three days, only two actually had classes in it. Within those two days with classes, only one had homework.
But man was it scary!
We have this thesis-thing to worry about, and even Cat Pig got scared by it. 'm sure glad I came to school once, 'cause both my pet and Ark looked totally terrified. I dunno what's up with this thesis hooha, but I am not liking it.
Hmm...what would Ark say next? Oh! Then there's this inturnip that we have to schedule too (did I spell that right? Or was that internship? Inturnip sounds way tastier IMO.)
(WHY do they give us vegetable-related homework ANYWAY???)
And get this: Ark and I have to be SEPARATED during this internship. I have to work with a company all by myself??? What if this company I'm applying for won't let pets in? How will Cat Pig help me out? I'm doomed!!!
I haven't even mentioned the homework yet! It was this cardboard cut and pasting project that kindergardeners are made to do. We had to sleep over a friend's house (which totally counts as a sleep over 'cause we didn't sleep. That's like, the number one rule of sleep overs.)
Anyway, I have to cleverly mention the blog post's title somewhere in here, so...
The week was all scary because we were "transitioning" into the future.
(insert seemingly meaningful picture related to title here.)
I have no idea if that sentence was correct. But who cares?
I apologize for the exclamation points. Can't help it. So there, I'm kinda scared of the future. Blah, blah, blah. I don't wanna leave my friends yet. Blah, blah, blah.

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