I am currently at my on-the-job training here at a national tabloid. Unfortunately, Jen's internet connection at home is currently slower than a turtle on sleeping pills, so I can not post anything from there. I took the chance here while at work, because I miss blogging.
And I have spare time. I just finished writing a lifestyle article, and I must say things are running smoothly. My internship is smooth sailing so far, thank God.
In fact I have published a news article on my first day! (Which in Dev's language translates to: "I am frickin' awezome!")
I also met a very popular journalist while at a press conference, and I could not help but "fan boy." (Which in Dev's language translates to: "I took the most awesomazing selfie with an awesomazing reporter!!!")

I hope thing continue to go well, though I have this feeling that it will.
I miss you guys! Somehow I'm gonna figure out a way to get our sloth-like internet connection working quicker. I also intend to do something about our keyboard, because it is nothing compared to this one I am currently using. (Which in Dev's language translates to: "OUR KEYBOARD AT HOME FUCKING SUCKS.")
So there, I am gonna be back after a while of figuring things out. And don't worry, I will probably come up with an alternative way to blog. Just stay tuned!

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