That undescriptable face (yeah I made that word up) feeling is what I call ze Spark of Hatred!
I'm really hating this effin' keyboard but I have a pretty good reason to. BECAUSE IT SUCKS!!! Oh well. Lemme calm down for a sec, folks. 'cause I'm about to tell ya a very simple story about Le Spark of Hatred.

Once upon a time, in this land we call Earth...
I was flying home, from a very awezome internship day. I was glowing with the thought of my own pure radicality, and so I had nothing else in mind but to get home and rub it all over Ark's face.
Feeling slight sympathy for my human fellas who can't fly, I decided to try the train. I landed myself near a train station and got inside one of them vehicles.
People didn't appreciate my fat, devilish awezomeness 'cause everyone was looking at me like I did something evil. They may have heard the news of me breathing fire on a local firetruck, but I'll have you know I'm proud of that masterpiece.
(what do you do NOW? Huh?)
Still, everyone looked annoyed. I assumed it's because the train's all crowded, and a fat little devil decided to join the party. (Emphasis on fat. I'm getting real chubby now. BWAHAHA.)
But I just growled at most of them. I mean, I could have flied home, stupid humans. But I'm HERE sharing your pain! And you guys are being asses. Bad-looking asses.

It was NOT comfy.
I regretted sitting the moment I did. And to make things worse, I couldn't stand up anymore! Too many people were blocking my standing space. I wanted to breathe fire on them too, but I don't wanna land in the national news again. I'll do that next week.
And to make things worser...this ugly guy beside me... I suddenly had a SPARK OF HATRED against him!
I wanted to rip his skull out, but that's illegal in this world, I heard.
(but how do you expect me to carve his skull into this wonderful piece of art?)
Nah, I have no apparent reason to do it anyway, aside from the fact that I think he hated me too. It was a mutual hatred. I loved all the negative energy. It energized me.
And then the train stopped.
Code red, the staff said. They explained why we should go down and shit. Mr. Buttugly Cheesemould here quickly went off the train, much to my relief. On his way down, I uttered a little curse that would allow me to someday burn his ass with my black magic.
(ACTUAL pic of Mr. Buttugly Cheesemould! NOT PHOTOSHOPPED!)
And then I stayed on the train. Alone, I waited for it to work again. I wasn't in a hurry. So when everything got fixed, the thing stated moving again, and in no time I was flying home again.
BUT THEN. I decided to check out how local transpo works too. So I landed, got myself a ticket for this car-thingy called a "jeep," and then I waited for it to get filled with passengers.
Shit. I'm too impatient fo' this.
I realized that I had to get rubbing my achievements against Ark's face ASAP. So I flew out and basically shoved random people into the jeep. Then I sat back down when it was crammed with complaining people.
(Then I told dem to smile fo' the camera.)
Sitting cozily, my daydreaming was interrupted when I saw who ended up right next to me. It was Mr. Buttugly Cheesemould!!!
My curse worked too early.
I had to continue "sparking" with negative energy against him, during the entire hour of travel.
To conclude this brilliantly written story, I flew out of the jeep when it got close enough t our apartment, hovered up before it could get away, and then spat a gigantic fireball at it.
Cutting this short, I may or may not have killed several innocent people just because I hated a guy for no reason. So there. I made it explode.
Bottom line is: Ark is totally jealous of my achievements, 'cause I got home and rubbed it in.
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