disguise. Pope Francis is one of those people.
Here are a few reasons why the current Pope is my favorite Pope:
1. He spoke out about respecting the members of the LGBT community.
"If someone is gay and seeks the Lord with good will, who am I to judge?"
-Pope Francis, on his return flight to Brazil-

2. He reassured atheists that they don't have to believe in God to go to Heaven.
In an open letter to the La Repubblica newspaper, he said that God would forgive non-believers if they had a clean conscience.
3. He said the Big Bang and Evolution theories do not counter the story of Creation, but instead supports it.
4. He would rather be a "loving parent" than a "nagging parent."
5. He replaced the pope's throne with a simple chair. And when a kid walked up to sit on it, he allowed him to stay. He also did this when a child hugged him while he was giving out a sermon.
6. He hugged Vinicio Riva. And according to Vinicio himself, it was "like paradise."
7. His smile is adorable.
8. When he visited the Philippines, the crime rate dropped significantly.
9. He blesses unwed mothers, and basically anyone else who wants to be blessed.
10. He believes that the Church is a big, welcoming tent... something it hasn't felt like for quite a long time.
I honestly hope that this man inspires more people. He believes that love and acceptance is more important than rules and religious beliefs.
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