They say the truth will set you free. I have always believed this, because it has done wonders for me. I am relieved by the fact that I can keep completely honest if I had to. And a little honesty can go a long way.
Imagine getting rid of your burdens by simply not hiding them from others. It is an act of refusing to carry the burdens in the first place.
I heard a song from Phineas and Ferb that stuck in my head one time. Dr. Doof was singing about how the world runs with lies. Everything works because we build up walls of lies. It has become the foundation of society. We are afraid to hurt people, even if they truly deserve what is coming to them. It builds good friendships, but does it build real ones? Real friendships are far stronger than good ones if you ask me.

But when I lie, I automatically remind myself of that little amount of freedom I just refused.
I challenge you to give a close friend five of your precious minutes just answering his/her questions honestly. I call it 5 minutes of honesty, and I have given it to only a very few number of people. It is both time and trust I give them when I give them this gift, so I consider it a treasure (yes, considering my trust issues)
Five minutes could go a long way. Just practice being honest once in a while. Accept the freedom. Embrace it. What could go wrong?

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