And really, I've stopped switching games ever since I managed to borrow this from my classmate. In fact, I returned all her other games EXCEPT this one. LOL. But right now I'm starting to get hooked on this horribly slow-loading Facebook game: "The Walking Dead Social Game"...because socializing with zombies is perfectly normal. And as we speak, I am being eaten by four walkers. Time to head back to camp.
If you were wondering why I named this post "Ice Beam", well it's a long story. My cousins and I have been playing MvC 2 and my most-used character is Ice Man. Being the master of fighting games that I am (bragging rights), I've already perfected the fine art of using him as my main character. But it turned into a running gag among my cousins that sometimes Ice Man would pop out of nowhere and scream "ICE BEAM!!" as he shoots a frozen beam towards his enemies.

ICE BEAM!! It just goes on and on and on. But since Ice Man's my favorite character, I might as well give him credit for being so proud of his powers.
Believe it or not this post is actually a guide to which MvC characters are the best (in my opinion, of course). But I KNOW that this game is prehistoric and MvC 3 is already out. I'd give you an honest guide anyway.
So before we start, you oughtta know HOW to play the game so you'd sorta understand what I'm talking about. If you already know how to play though, you can gladly skip this part. Here's a brief rundown of things you must know while playing MvC 2:
1. You get to pick THREE (yes! three!) awesomazing characters from the huge roster of Marvel and Capcom. The hard part is choosing only three favorites from a total of 56 heroes (X-Men? Avengers? Street Fighter? They're here!) Better pick wisely, young warrior.
2. Heroes ASSIST you. This is where this game gets crazy. Imagine allies (and foes) stepping into the playing field whenever they want to, just to lend a helping hand (or a destructive fist--whatever.) In game, you get to control one of your three fighters while the other two are called "Assist Characters". They could do a bunch of neat stuff that can give you the winning edge. Assist characters could heal, punch, capture, shoot, or take down a flying enemy.
3. There's a SUPER meter. Super attacks, also called Hyper Modes, are really powerful moves that crush enemies to bits. BUT you should fill up that little meter on the bottom left of your screen. You can fill it up to five, which means you can perform Super Attacks five times! Or you can get all three of your characters to do a devastating super attack...all at once!
Hmm...I guess that's really all you need to know. Of course, it goes without saying that you could switch your characters at any point of the game. And the only real goal is to take down the enemy team before they take yours down. Classic fighting game rules.
NOW...Here are the Top Five BEST Picks for Marvel versus Capcom 2!!!
1. ICE MAN. I told you he's my favorite, but that's for a reason. He's a good ranged fighter (ICE BEAM!! Yep, that's a long-ranged attack) And therefore he's ideal for folks like me who'd rather have their enemies at a comfortable distance. I don't like touchy characters. Better push them away with an Ice Beam, and KEEP them away with a giant falling ice ball. He's a great Assist Character too, 'cause his projectile attacks reach far into the screen very quickly. It's perfect for surprising enemies.
2. B.B. HOOD. Soft and sweet on the outside, pure evil on the inside. This Red Riding Hood-like girl keeps a LOT of hidden weapons on her. Missiles? Check. Guns? Check. Land Mines and rockets? Check. Bandits that come out of nowhere? Check, check and check. She's on my list 'cause she's a great Assist Character. Her rockets are annoying and hard to avoid. Plus, her super attack is the very definition of a SUPER attack.
3. RYU. The mascot of the Capcom franchise doesn't disappoint. He's one of the few "touchy" characters that I use (Aside from Dan, his weak counterpart who I use for purely comic purposes). And by touchy I mean close-ranged. He can beat any of them up with his basic punches, kicks and Shoryukens. He's one of the most balanced heroes.

5. BLACKHEART. Forget soft and sweet, this guy's the real deal. PURE EVIL EVEN ON THE OUTSIDE! He's made to crush enemies. The total opposite of Servbot, this devil's HUGE. He could stomp on his foes without hesitation. I personally use him for summoning demons that grab my targets for a few seconds before switching to a hero that can swiftly take them down. That doesn't mean that he couldn't pack a punch on his own though. Melting into the ground? Opening the gates of hell? Sending electrifying waves? This devil's bound to win any match (if held properly, of course. Everything still depends on your skill)
Conclusion: All the characters have perks and disadvantages that were balanced to satisfy any fighting style that a player could want. From the zombie-summoning Jill, to the weapon-changing Mega Man, MvC 2 is enough to give you your fighting fix.

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