When you step outside your comfort zone, you'll see that the "box" has been limiting your view. Using your imagination often gives you a wider range of possibilities, whether it's for your career, your love life, your family, your goals, or your dreams. Imagination fuels inspiration.

Why am I even posting this now? First, I have free time. Not that I don't have much to do, it's just that I have enough time to spend on my precious blog. Second, I have tons of ideas rushing to my head right now. I want to write something-no, in fact I have several ideas going on inside me that are just begging to be released. But if you know me well, you would know how my ideas all turn out.

Gosh, I really am starting to plan ahead. The future is way too exciting for me. I want to do my best to reach those dreams of mine...and here I am blaming Dev for watching too much Glee.
I...will start again. I will try to form art from these ideas to prove to everybody that they exist in my head. Amazing works, here come!
...but first allow me to finish all my schoolwork. The semester is about to end, after all. Soon, I will have time to relax, unwind, love, and pay attention to my brain's visitors.