ARK: ...come to think of it, Dev, we've been running this blog for almost a year now, and I must say a lot of funny things have happened to us and our human friends.
ARK: Yes we did!

DEV: ...and fish friends too.

ARK: Within the year you got yourself two pets.
DEV: And then I found out that Jen totally grew up.
ARK: Yeah, you probably shouldn't have called the cops.
DEV: Well, who the f*ck knew that humans change their appearance every once in a while?
ARK: That's what they call aging. See? We wouldn't have learned that if we did not visit Earth.
DEV: Hey, it was MY IDEA to fall from the Heavens.
ARK: Okay, so I must admit that it was a pleasant idea.
DEV: What else do ya' expect? My ideas are always awesomazing.
ARK: So anyway, brother, did you hear about Jen's friend? The pop star?
DEV: No. What's up?
ARK: Jen said her friend will come visit us today.
DEV: Is this guy famous or something? 'cause I can see 'bout a hundred people outside our window screaming this guy's name.

ARK: Yes. That is what a pop star is, Dev.
DEV: What the heck's a pop star? Is that some sorta cereal?
ARK: No, brother. It's what humans call a person who creates music and gets famous for it.
DEV: Psssh. I can sing better than anyone. Why don't I get to have hundreds of screaming fans adore me?
ARK: I do not know. But trust me, Dev, I bet that kind of life is just stressful.
DEV: Who the heck cares? As long as I'm famous, no one can stress me out!
ARK: Actually, it's the opposite of what you're thinking...
JEN: Hey guys! Pop is here!

DEV: His name is Pop? And he's a POP star? Okay, so THAT's why I don't have fans like him. My name's frickin' Dev, not Pop.
ARK: It has nothing to do with the name. I would bet the man's very talented and hardworking.
JEN: You'll bet he is. Max helped me cloak him with his invisibility ray, so the fans won't kill us with excitement. And now here he is, Pop!
POP: Hey Dev! Hey Ark!
ARK: Hello.
DEV: Yeah, hi.
POP: Jen told me a lot about you two, and I must say you're very interesting. I'm a fan of your blog.
DEV: Well, we are pretty cool.
ARK: It's an honor that you read our blog, Mr. Pop.
POP: Please, call me Pop.
JEN: He's here on a vacation. He's staying here for a while so he could get away from it all.
POP: Yeah, Jen's right. I do need a bit of rest.
ARK: (to DEV) I told you, the glamorous life isn't what it is cut out to be.
DEV: Don't care. Not listening. So Pop, you said you read our blog.
POP: Yes. You guys are hilarious.
ARK: Actually my posts are rather serious...
DEV: So anyway, can you like teach us how to get famous like you? I wanna benefit from your visit. Before you leave this household, you must teach us the secrets of fame!
JEN: Don't hostage our guest!
POP: No, no. It's alright Jen. I get where he's coming from. So Dev, instead of showing you how to get famous, why not let me show you what made me famous? I'll tell you what it is right now: MUSIC. Music's my life. It's my passion. I got famous, only 'cause I loved what I was doing.
DEV: can we get to the part where you tell us the secrets of fame?
ARK: No, Pop. It's alright. Do tell us more about your passion.
POP: Alright, then. Will you guys let me post on your blog too?

ARK: Sure.
POP: I'll be posting stuff about music in general, and what I love about it. Hopefully, so it rubs off to you guys.
DEV: And will that make me famous?
POP: Depends on how you work for it. I mean, if music's not your thing, it won't work. Go find your passion and fulfill it.
DEV: Meh...
ARK: Thank you so much Pop! I bet you'll enjoy your stay here.
JEN: Yey! More people!
Current number of people in Jen's house: 7.
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