And Dev went insane. He started freaking out like...
He started to call Jen from upstairs, scared that someone has invaded his "territory."
"JEN!!! Someone's invading your house!"
And when nobody answered, he called Dug and told him to--
"Bark at him, boy! Bark at him 'til she leaves!!!"
And Dug was like...
So he went borderline crazy and started breathing fire before flying away.
"F*ck this. I'm callin' the police!"
Dug and I just stood there and stared at the odd-looking female. We were a bit surprised when she stood up, took off her earphones and spoke:
"Hi Dug! Hi Ark!"

"I'd hate to be rude, but I do not know you," I said.
And she said: "Seriously? You live in my house and you don't know me?"
"Woman, you are mistaken. This house is owned by a little human girl named Jen."
"I know. I AM JEN!"

It took me a few more moments, and some angelic, heavenly knowledge to realize that humans age unlike we do. This woman IS Jen. I can see her strikingly pink hair hasn't changed a bit.
But...when did she age like this? I guess time flies by when you are immortal. People around you move, while you remain perfectly still. All this time, Jen has been aging. She's all grown up now.
"Uuuummmhhhh. Hello?"
And I snapped off of my little realization. "Well, hehehe. That was quite an interesting change. I can see why there was a misunderstanding. Anyway, would you like to go and eat some dinner?"
"Sure do."

And we ate happily that evening. Though I could swear we all have forgotten something.
Hmm... Nah. This time is too precious to waste on foolish thoughts....

...and then the cops arrived.

("where's the intruder?")
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