I was laying in bed. I couldn’t sleep even though I had
school in the morning. A noise breaks the silence. A whisper. I heard the
whisper but I have no idea what it said. I get up on my elbows and look around
in the darkness. I see raindrops starting to fall outside my window. The faint
light of a car passing by creates shadows inside my room. I hear the whisper
again, this time hearing clearly the words ‘the mirror.’ I get up and walk over
to the mirror on the wall next to my desk. I flip my table lamp on to see the
It was about my height, maybe a little taller. It had no
eyes, just black holes leading to an abyss of darkness. It’s skin was black,
with various cuts over it’s body leaking a black stream of blood down it’s
skin. It’s hands were scaled, with long, bloodstained claws. It smiles at me
revealing sharp, yellow teeth. It raises it’s hand and scratches a message in
the glass.
‘You will lose it all.’
I quickly jumped back. I wanted to yell, to call my parents
to come in and look at the creature in front of me. But I was too scared to do
anything. I think the creature knew I was scared, because it throws its head
back as if it was laughing, but there wasn’t a single sound. I could feel my
body shaking in terror. I covered my head and said to myself, ‘Just leave me
At least five minutes passed before I looked up at the
mirror. I saw my reflection in the mirror. I was pale as a ghost, my blue eyes
were watering, and my arms were so tense you could see the veins popping out. I
eventually turned the light off and got back into bed, trying to pass it off as
an illusion due to exhaustion.
2 days ago
I woke up after a nightmare about that creature. I stared at
my wall for a while and eventually got the courage to walk over to my mirror. I
stared at myself. Eventually my mother walked in and snapped me out of my daze.
I quickly got ready and went to school.
During my lunch period I texted my girlfriend, telling her
about last night. She didn't believe me and said it was just a nightmare. I
went home and set my backpack on my bed. I got on my computer to search for
anything on the creature I saw, but an instant message popped up before I could
search anything. The screen name was ‘Yourself’. There was no picture.
The message read,
‘No one will believe you and there is nothing you can do.’
I blinked. I started typing a message in the box. ‘Why are
you doing this to me?’
‘I enjoy toying with humans. It make me laugh seeing you
watch as you destroy your own life.’
I was stunned. ‘What do you mean?’
I closed my laptop, contemplating what the hell just
happened. I tried to find some reasoning behind what just happened. The
rational side of me said that it was someone pulling a prank on me. But I knew
that couldn't possibly be true. The only person who knew about my situation was
my girlfriend, and I knew that she wouldn't do something like that. I run
downstairs, go outside, and climb my favorite tree, as this would usually help
me clear my head. I eventually end up falling asleep in that very tree.
I wake up to the sound of scratching. I rub my eyes and find
that there is wood under my fingernails. I looked down and found a message on
the branch I was sitting on. ‘The window.’ I looked into the various windows of
my house to find, inside my window, was something that looked a hell of a lot
like me, but slightly different. I immediately noticed that ‘my’ hands were
burned and ‘my’ wrists were cut. ‘I’ had sharp, blackened nails. ‘My’ eyes were
a sharp yellow, and ‘my’ clothes and hair were covered in ashes. ‘I’ was
smiling in a twisted, insane way.

I ran out of the room and grabbed the pistol my dad kept in
his room. I went back to my room and pointed the gun at the mirror. The
creature just laughed some more. Eventually I just smashed the mirror with the
butt of the gun. A sharp, demonic laughter echoed throughout the room. The
laughter eventually turned into my own. I heard in my own voice, ‘It’s time.’ I
felt myself slowly losing consciousness. The last image I remember seeing, was
the creature moving towards me.
I woke up in a pile of ash. I rub my eyes to find my hands
burned and my nails sharpened, with ashes under them. My wrists were recently
cut. I looked around. It seemed as if I were in what were the remains of a
burned down house. I got up and dusted myself off. Beside me was my fathers
pistol. I picked it up to find, rather than being hot, it was cold as ice. I
looked at my reflection in the barrel of the gun to see my eyes were yellow. I
put the barrel of gun in my pocket and felt something else move in my pocket. I
reached inside and found a packet of matches. Three of the matches were
missing. I threw them on the ground and started walking away.
I eventually found my way to town. I found a newspaper and
looked at the headlines. ‘Three housed burned down in mysterious fires.’ I read
on to find that my, my girlfriends, and my best friends houses were burned
down. Everyone inside died… except for me. It said I was a missing person.
I stared at the headlines for a while. Eventually something
inside me snapped. I smiled. I laughed. There I was, standing in the street,
laughing like a madman at the headline of people dying in house fires. I
crumpled up the paper and threw it on the ground, still laughing. I found my
way back to the remains of my house and climbed a tree. I just sat there the
rest of the day, staring at the remains of my house.
Present day
I sit on the rooftop of my school. It’s pretty early in the
morning, so no one is around.
I laugh as I think about the shit that’s happened to me. My
parents are dead, my best friend is dead, my girlfriend is dead, all by my own
actions. I have nothing but the clothes on my back and the gun in my hand. I
stop laughing, and start to cry. Eventually I remember the words my mom told me
whenever I was sad or depressed. ‘Sing a song that best describes the situation
you are in. That always helped me.’
So, in between sobs, I started to sing a part of a song.
‘My legs are dangling off the edge…
A stomach full of pills didn’t work again….
I put a bullet in my head and I’m gone…. gone….. gone…
gone…. gone…’
Source: http://www.creepypasta.com/3-days/
Source: http://www.creepypasta.com/3-days/
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