The sem's over and now it's time to rest. Yey!! Now's the time to get away from all the stressful events that happened during those last months. Yeah, I only got two weeks to do that. But hey, at least I've got time!
And HERE is how I'll spend those precious 14 days:
1. BLOG - Now I've got time to blog more often! I'll try to go back to the ol' days when I posted about two to three cool stuff every day. Now Ark has nothing to do too. And he'll probably be posting more often. Don't really care. LOL.
2. TWEET - As promised, I'll be getting back to m tweeting least for this sem break. I'll try to get more replies from celebrities. 'Cause honestly, who doesn't like that??? Ok, followers are cool too, so maybe I'll try to get more followers.
3. DOWNLOAD - I'll get to downloading more songs for my phone 'cause I still got 30 percent of memory for those. More songs, more fun!

5. WRITE - I'm writing a novel with Ark. OKAY, so he's doing more work. But my effort counts too. I won't rush doing it so I don't get tired of writing it. I don't want to consider it as a sem break homework, 'cause I don't like homework, and I don't want it to ruin my fun. I'll just... write when feel like it.
6. PLAY - With my PS2, of course. I'll be mastering the fine art of Marvel vs. Capcom 2 together with Ice Man, Spiderman and Blackheart.
7. RELAX - Just to increase my happy hormones, you know. I'll just relax, and sleep. Which reminds me of my To-Do activity number 8, which is...
8. GET FAT - At least fatter. At least get more flab under my skin. And I know that's near impossible for me 'cause my metabolism is faster than the speed of light, and more active than my conscious thoughts.
9. WAIT - FOR CHRISTMAS! I f****** love this season! And now that I know I PASSED STATISTICS, I'm more excited for a well-deserved Christmas! I love gifts, but not as much as I love hearing Christmas songs and seeing lights on the streets (exclude all the stoplights, dude).
Whew! That's quite a lot already. number 10. is actually "RELOAD", 'cause I have to reload myself for next sem. But I'm not gonna talk about number 10, 'cause it sound like a chore to me. I'd rather list down all the other stuff I wanna do.
So, see ya later folks! I have a lot on my list, so I better get started! Enjoy your day! Or not...whatever you wanna do with your day, actually.
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