Here are my top 3 Real Ghost Encounters (that’s in order,
according to what’s scariest for me. I mean, these events never really scared
me but hey, I might as well talk about how I faced them. *ehem* Bravery’s my
middle name)
Top 3: The Staircase

So I made it a point that on New Year’s Eve of 2010, I
cast his soul away. Ark and I prayed for him and asked him to leave us alone.
It worked…for a while. He returned about two months after that, but in a less scary
aura than before. He started visiting less frequently, until he never returned.
Whew. That’s another act of bravery from yours truly, Dev.
Top 2: Caught on Tape!
My high school friends and I decided to make a documentary
for a project in English. All five of us (Ark included) made our topic a bit
challenging: FEAR. We dove--well, they did. I’m not into documentaries-- into
the psychological depths of human fear. We interviewed several people about
their fears and stuff.
Now we decided to make this cool “Star of David” sign on the
floor. Yeah, that same star you see in the flag of Israel. We made a HUGE “Star
of David” on the floor of a REAL haunted house (owned by the parents of one of
our friends). We couldn't access the ACTUAL house, so w stayed on its basement.
There we stayed several nights, trying to tease our own fears. I was the one
assigned to do all the talking in front of the camera thing, so I was also the
one to stay inside the “Star of David”. One night, we set the symbol on fire,
as I kept delivering my lines.

Then we watched the video and found out…we caught one on
tape!! We couldn’t explain the white thingy that walked where none of us did.
Great thing is, the teacher loved our work. She kept it with her as a “sample
work”. I wouldn't do that. I mean what
would I do with a documentary, and second… it’s plain scary.
Top 1: The Forbidden Song!
I like writing songs.
I sometimes do it in my spare time. But there’s this one cool song I wrote that
I never sing out loud…not anymore.
I had a crush on this girl that went to the same school as
Ark and I did. I liked her so much that I created this song for her. Now as I
wrote alone in my room, I recorded my voice so I could memorize the melody. I
don’t know how to write notes and stuff so I relied on my little recorder. Just
a few minutes after, my pile of pillows suddenly crashed to the floor for no reason.
I felt something cold, and I just knew some “thing” else was there with me…and
it was mad.
“I’m gonna finish this song no matter what.” I said aloud. I
just liked the song so much. I guess it just angered “it” more.
One time, I woke up in the middle of the night and saw HER.
She was a little girl, and she was standing right there—just in front of me. I
felt hatred. She hated me. And she hated my song. Of all I've written, it was the
only one that got such a negative feedback. EVEN THE OTHER WORLD HATES IT. And
every time I continued writing, something else would crash to the ground. She’s
a violent spirit.
Still, I didn't give up. I continued. (Bravery, I told you
Until the final straw… I was recording my voice one morning.
And when I listened to it, SHE WAS SHOUTING. She was growling actually. She
growled louder and louder as I came to the chorus. I was just terrified. I
never deleted that file, but I did promise never to sing the song again. She
left me alone peacefully after that.
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