When there's nothing else to say...
There's one thing left to do.
That's to sleep it all away."
(or skydive into the sunset. Whatever suits your desire.)
Escapism, probably. But I'm too tired of thinking. I've been thinking too much. And I heard somewhere that it's time to relax.
I often find my shoulders tensing up. It's during these moments I know I'm stressed out. It's when I apprehend myself and say: "Calm down. You're doing it again."

I should learn to loosen up and relax. Just...stop thinking of what to do and start living in the moment. I should learn that 'cause I'm a coffee-loving nervous wreck. I have too many things in mind and the only way to calm myself is to...escape from them.
You know...just escape. Skip the moment and sleep right through it.
I'll probably wake up with less things to worry about...simply because I hadn't had time to over think things.
Imagine being a dancer, and you are days away from your first performance ever. Surely your nerves will get to you somehow. Maybe you'll get anxious all throughout the week and lose your focus during rehearsals.

Right now I just wanna sleep, and fast forward through the days...and see what happens. See what I've been worrying about and determine if they're worth the trouble at all.
I was just gonna post how much I wanted to sleep right now. But here I am, typing away.
Escapism is a good weapon if used properly. It's wise to know which enemies are worth facing, and who are just there to weaken your defenses before the real fight.
So I choose to sleep these worthless enemies away. They can't do much harm to my armor anyway.
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