I keep that little thing beside my dream journal, hidden on the exact same spot. I shouldn't be telling you this, but there's no way you know my address. And if someone suddenly visits my house looking for THE LIST, I know it's YOU.
Yes, you my dear reader will be my suspect if my list mysteriously vanished. Creepy? Nope. It's creepier if you pop in here just to peek at what's going on inside that hidden notebook.
So to ease your curiosity, I'll tell it to you anyway-- what THE LIST contains.
I started writing on it last year, during the last few days of 2012. There I listed little things--events, if you may-- that happened to me that made me smile. And by the end of 2012, I'll have a little notebook of simple memories that will surely make me smile once more.
I got it from a random Facebook post. I forgot who posted it, but I knew it was a great idea. I wish to fill it with great events. The reason it is hidden is because we all have different definitions of happiness. Some of the things on my list are very shallow, and would not make any other person smile.
Some aren't good things at all, but are considered memories nonetheless. So needless to say, I am writing down the events that are defining 2013. I shall use this to see what has changed, and what has not. I'll also use it to modify the scope of my happiness.
So far, 2013 has been good to me. And I am happy so far. When I see some people who are lonely, I try to comfort them. But I'm not as attached as I used to be. I'm only following my resolution. And that is: 2013 is all about me.

So pardon me for being selfish this year, but there are that things have to be changed. And the first order of business is to learn how to be happy all by myself. THE LIST shall teach me what it takes for me to be happy.
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