“No, not dangers…challenges!” said a penguin to the other
penguin who claimed that the outside world is full of danger.
Dev and I watched Happy Feet Two today…which explains the
penguins. It was a good movie, but movie reviews are Dev’s specialty.
Anyway, that line spoken by a very minor character was the
one that struck me the most. The penguin was a female, trying to cheer on her
child who’s about to venture the world. It was simple, but striking. Dangers
and challenges are almost the same thing…it’s just a matter of perspective.

There is no other way
around it.
Suppose that you will put yourself to the test and try to
live a life without trials, how will you do it? Put yourself in the shoes of an
average person and you’ll find yourself facing normal financial crises,
employment crises, family crises, etc. There’s no avoiding it. Put yourself in
the middle of an open field, doing nothing in particular, and you’ll still face
the challenges of nature. You will still have to put up with the weather: the
scorching sun and the terrible storms.
Suppose you have a roof over your head. You may be safe from
the storms, but looking for food is still a problem. In fact, that’s the
problem of most people nowadays.
I guess you’ve seen my point by now. Challenges are
everywhere. But it’s what makes us stronger every day. It’s what propels our
lives forward. It’s what makes life worth living. So instead of living life
fearing its dangers, why not live a life full of courage?
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