I’m typing this in the hope of connecting to the internet
any time soon. I’ve been waiting since forever, but our stupid broadband won’t
seem to work. I tried (well, Ark did) to call the network, but it was too busy
answering everyone’s calls to even take mine. I don’t know when the heck this
post will be published.
I’m typing this out of frustration. I’m pretending I could
talk to you guys, when I know that I can’t. AND THAT’S IRRITATING. What’s the
use of all this precious time away from my school and from my professors, if I
can’t even spend it on my blog?
I’m typing this, wondering if it would ever be read by
anyone. Okay, so now I’m getting too worked up. Calm down dude, you’ll be
blogging again in no time.
But my blog isn’t really my only concern. Cat Pig has been
staring at me with razor-like eyes, and I knew why he was doing that. I asked
him to do all of my homework, and now he’s getting pressured with all the
deadlines. How is he supposed to do all the work if he can’t even access the
internet? He’s finished everything: those case study thingies, those
articles-whatever you call it- he’s finished doing them ALL! But he’s getting
mad at me, ‘cause he can’t email them to my professor. And Cat Pig can’t talk,
but trust me, his eyes are killing me!
Whew. I hope I can post this soon. My posts are only awesome
while they’re fresh. I mean if you’re reading this, chances are I’ve already
gotten over my frustration. I may have already forgiven that network for
ignoring my calls. NOBODY IGNORES MY CALLS. And I don’t take “network busy” as
an excuse. I waste my time dialing your number, you waste your time answering.
That’s all I gotta say right now. Maybe by the time you read
this, I’ve already made another post. These things might start to pile up, so
ready yourself and prepare your attention span. You’ll be doing a LOT of
reading…yes, mostly my rants about this certain network.
I’m out!
Okay, lemme scream:
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