Some of my friends know me for liking Broadway songs. But I’m not a BIG fan of Broadway. I mean, I appreciate SOME Broadway songs, but it’s not entirely my favorite genre. I don’t like all Broadway songs, ‘cause most of them are too boring. I rarely come across a good Broadway song that I actually like.
Thinking of a good explanation, it finally came to me that I
don’t like Broadway per se. I like musicals…in any form. That’s what it is.
You’ve seen musicals on TV, on stage and on the big screen.
Those are the kind of stuff I really like. I have no idea why I’m inclined to
stories that includes people that randomly burst into song, though.
So I’d like to share some of the musicals that I have come
across and learned to love:
Hairspray- one of my all time favorite movies.
This is the ONLY musical in which I liked almost every single song. It’s also
one of the few Broadway shows I like. It’s about people in the 60’s, and racial
discrimination, and dreams, and you don’t really care about this, so I won’t
talk much about it.
Cats- also a Broadway musical. I am yet to
encounter a movie-version of this, though I must admit I’ve never searched.
LOL. Singing and dancing cats-who will not be entertained?
Wicked- another Broadway show. This is only in
the list because I like three of its songs (all three were featured on Glee. Oh
yeah.) I also like the story of this particular musical. It’s unique in the way
that the witch is the main character here…not the beautiful princess.
Mama Mia- a movie that features songs by ABBA.
Do some research if you don’t know them. Or better yet, ask your parents.
Anyway, it also features the story of a young girl whose father remains a big
mystery to her.
High School Musical- and though a lot would
protest against my appreciation of this TV movie, I would still consider it one
of the best musicals I’ve seen (all three parts of it). It’s also a huge part
of my high school life, so there’s no doubt that HSM has affected me in several
ways…good ways.
Listen to: “I Want It All”, “What I’ve Been
Looking For”, “Scream” and “Humuhumunukunukuapua’a” (I put the last song there
because it’s a torture to read)
Rock of Ages- this one’s pretty new, but I read
that there’s an old version of Rock of Ages somewhere. I haven’t seen this yet,
but I do know most of the songs. Note to self: watch a couple videos after
posting this.
Listen to: “Hit Me With Your Best Shot”

Rocky Horror Show- I only know this because it
was a featured episode on Glee. It’s sexual, and fascinating…but weird…yeah,
mostly weird.
Glee- the TV series that constantly fuels my
musical-inclination (wow, that made me sound like a great singer. LOL) I
discover new songs here. Even better, I discover new musicals here. Thanks
Listen to: EVERYTHING. I can’t enumerate
all the songs I like on this show, you know.
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