Heaven was a fine place to live in, but I must say, Earth does not disappoint.
I was never a stranger to the concept of friendship. Everyone in Heaven was a friend of mine. Dev was my best friend. But when the two of us came and visited Earth, we realized what friendship truly is.
This world is not full of friendly souls waiting to be talked to. In fact, true friends are so rare here that it is a blessing to find one. A true friend is like a diamond covered in dust. It's like finding shelter from the rain. It's like finding money from an empty pocket. A true friend brings sheer delight.
So I guess I would have to define what friendship is to me...what friendship here on Earth is.
To me, friendship is easy. I go somewhere, I talk to someone and I find a new friend. To me "acquaintances" are not so different from "friends." Strangers can easily break my wall, cross over and become an acquaintance.
But it takes a lot to be a real friend of mine.
I must admit I am almost never emotionally-attached. That is one of my robotic, soul-less attributes that come from the fact that I do not have a soul like humans do. When I have to leave a person, I do so in the easiest way possible. Letting them go, I temporarily free myself from all the bonds we've ever shared. Which is why reunions bring such joy to me. I get to recreate the bonds I so emotionlessly gotten rid of.
It's harsh to hear, I know.
And I can hear your thoughts. "It must take a lot to be Ark's friend. It must be really hard to make a connection with him." or something like "who would want someone like you as a friend?"
With this, I agree. It's all true. You must have the patience to gain my trust, put up with my crazy and be with me no matter what--even if I can't always do the same for you.
But like I said, "friends" are different from "true friends", because "friends" are not so different from "acquaintances" for me. My true friends crazily put up with all these requirements for reasons I do not understand. What have I done to deserve people like them? What does an unattached robot do to gain real friends? What did I give in order to gain friends as true as these people?
'cause it's not always equal, what my friends give and what I give back...at least that's how I feel. I feel weird whenever someone would help me do something without expecting anything in return. Are humans really capable of doing selfless acts?
I am still trying to learn. Emotions are so involved with their concept of friendship--it's something deeper than simply being happy with somebody's company. It's about trust, acceptance, and surprisingly...love.
I should start assessing then...who are my acquaintances, who are my friends...and who are my "true friends"
The cooler title would be: "Dev's Elaborate Explanation of Why He Hates Elevators" or "I Hate Elevators! by DEV"
...but I hate it too much to even give this a cool title.
SOOOOOOOOOO. I'll just get on with the list, 'cause elevators made me too damn tired tonight!
The Five Reasons I HATE Elevators:
1. They take your soul away!
-> Not that I have a soul or anything. But you do know what I'm talking about, right?? It's when you ride a frickin' elevator and it goes up, and it's like your soul didn't leave with you. Or when it goes down and it leaves your soul on the 200th floor.
(Or worse, you meet your evil father inside one.)
2. They pretend to be airplanes!
-> That's when the elevator from hell drags you down so quickly that you swear you've reached the Underworld. It gives you a painful feeling in your ear that you can't get rid of even if you open your mouth. It's the same as when you ride a plane and it flies for the first time. Elevators pretend to be planes and give you THIS exact pain...without the actual joy of flight. Poser.
3. They're confusing!
-> Corporate corporations have this system of dividing the elevators into groups. Some elevators go from the first to the fifth floors. Some go to the depths of the ocean. Some go to Dora's house. And you know what??? The whole system's confusing! I like riding the death machines with a bit of peace of mind, don't you?
(or the other way around. That's up to you.)
4. They're flat-out creepy!
-> An enclosed metal coffin that traps you as it takes your soul away...the perfect setting for the ultimate ghost scare. It's like anytime, they can pop out and give you a daytime nightmare. But just so you know, I'm NOT scared of elevators. They try killing me, but I'm not scared of them.
5. They try eating you!
-> When you're running late for work and the only way to get there soon enough is to take the death express, the best way to get yourself killed is by trying to catch a closing elevator door. Many people have been victimized. The elevators are slowly developing a digestive system, but right now, it's definitely grown some teeth! They've been chewing people with passion.
I have never felt so close to leaving before. But now we're almost there.
I've been studying in this certain college for quite some time now. It's not much--the building is small compared to the other buildings of our university; the fans are new 'cause the old, broken ones that ceased to function before our batch's arrival have been replaced; and the hallways are near-constantly crowded with noise. It is the College of Communication, after all.
Now today I have realized how close I am to actually leaving. Not only the building...but everything in it. The faces I've grown used to seeing everyday will only be a fuzzy memory. Thank God for social media.
In a few months time, this semester will end, and all of us--my friends, my enemies, and my other classmates will leave for on-the-job training. We'll be seeing each other for at least once...a week. Gone are the days where we sit together for four days, listening to an old professor, discussing what it means to communicate.
Hmm...I'll actually miss school. It's the only excuse I have to see my friends other than planned meet-ups. And planned meet-ups are rare and they rarely go as "planned". If you want to see your friends on the regular, go to school...or live close to them.
After these on-the-job training, we'll be graduating. I never thought it was possible. I mean, graduating always seemed like a distant goal. It was something to look forward to since the beginning of your education. The graduation. The finale. The ending.
It feels weird to actually come close to the end.
The future is knocking on our doors. It's waiting for us, and step by step, we get more prepared for it than we think we are.
The memories will never fade, but I'll miss the times when those memories were actual events, and not hazy thoughts.
Well, well, well, well, well. Lookie what I found here.
A website dedicated to SHEER AWEZOMENESS! And hell yeah, it's not just devandark.blogspot.com.
I can tell ya this, it's WAY funnier (and more awezome) than a certain popular website that has seriously gotten down the drain. Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with whatever website popped into your head when I said "popular website that has seriously gotten down the drain."
Still I'm pretty sure ya'll are frustrated at what happened to the site that used to make everyone laugh with their memes. Oh well. Not time to cry, 'cause I've found it a replacement!
The gif's on that site (which I don't know the meaning of, and have no intention nor energy to Google) are hilarious (most o' the time)
Today is the brightest day I've seen in a long time.
This is both figurative and literal. I missed the feeling of waking up to the sun beaming down on my face, like the beginning of an optimistic movie. And since I'm feeling angelic again, its time to enjoy this day by enjoying every sensation.
I guess pessimism isn't really for me. I'm gonna say this with confidence, otherwise it would be a paradox.
The way to a more comfortable life, as a certain article said, is to not ignore life. It says we get so caught up in our daily activities that we forget the reason why we're doing all these things: That is to LIVE LIFE. The commotion we are trapped in gives us no time to appreciate the little things that are supposed to matter.
So FEEL life.
Touch everything.
Hear every sound.
See the world and all its colors.
Right now, the world is a bright yellow for me, and I am going to enjoy as everything glows with light.
This post contains nothing. I want to be honest. Reading this will not benefit you in any way that actually matters. Please visit again later. :)
I simply wanted to let everyone reading this (yes, even those who do not really care.) that I am back on my feet. I am feeling angelic again...like I'm supposed to. I no longer feel like ripping my wings off.
I am back to listening to my music's melodies rather than their lyrics. I can now play lonely songs without actually feeling lonely.
And with that I shall celebrate by doing something fun with Dev--like play Pokemon Deluge... Or not. Maybe I'll go do something productive. I am not sure what that productive activity may be...but I'm guessing involves later's episode of Glee.
Which reminds me of another thing I should feel angelic about: Glee's back from their hiatus! That means happiness--long and lasting happiness.
I dunno what the heck that word means, but I'm playing Pokemon Deluge right now. It's what I'm procrrar--pocrasti--..procasti... WELL IT'S WHAT'S WASTING MY TIME.
And I like it like that.
Haven't started on my homework, 'cause Cat Pig's supposed to be in charge o' that. He should start ASAP 'cause the number of f*cks I give for that job is getting lower by the minute. And look at that! I caught another legendary Pokemon.
This game is what Pokemon would look like if all the generations combined, minus the adventuring, the graphics, and some of the fun.
But it's a good substitute! Heck I've beaten all the gym leaders, the elite four, and all those dojo crap today. And this game let's me fulfill my dream of having a level-100 Pokemon--something my attention span won't allow with the original Pokemon games. I mean, to get a level-100 Pokemon in THAT game, you have to battle the elite four OVER and OVER again.
I don't have time for that 'cause that's how Dev rolls.
Now if you'll excuse me, I shall get off this computer and play with Dug and Cat Pig, my real-life Pokemon.
Ask yourself "what's the worst that can happen?" and be okay with the answer.
I got this piece of advice from the internet not too long ago. And so whoever "Anonymous" is, I thank him for that quote. It's useful for over thinkers like me.
I've had several practical applications for this tip. Like when I drink coffee and get both shaky and nervous. Expecting the worst result always leads to an inner satisfaction...whatever that result is.
But I've found another piece of advice more appropriate, and it came from...well, my brain.
It's when I tell myself to "Stop Thinking" and just live in the moment. I mean, how am I supposed to over think if I don't think at all? It usually gives me no choice but to act naturally, rather than have my decisions altered by weird thoughts.
What are YOU worrying about?
Is it worth the time you spend thinking about it? Does worrying help you at all? Does it improve your actions or does it take you down the darker road?
Right now I have to answer those questions too. I'm losing my optimism...and it scares me cause it's the exact same thing I need to get by smoothly. I've always been an optimist. And now I'm changing. How do I live life without my positive thoughts?
Maybe I should just go with the flow of my own mental waves. Maybe it's time to be flexible. Maybe its time to accept that things change...including me. I have to learn how to adapt to this new me. After all, I was the one who wanted an improvement. It's not right to fear my new self anymore.
I have to do it right now: Stop thinking before my thoughts destroy things that are perfectly fine...and you should too.
I wasn't planning on blogging about my worries at all, 'cause it felt like adding fuel to the fire. While typing this, it felt like I was worshiping my negative thoughts--letting my fears run my own blog. But the first step towards the cure is acceptance. After all...
And the nerds with the statistical charts said: "It takes four seconds of silence for a conversation to be awkward." EVERYBODY hates awkward moments. And so, Dev the Awezome shall show you tips on how to liven up awkward scenarios in your life.
Now, now. I know you're not as big of a loser as Ark, but here's MY LIST OF AWEZOME THINGS TO DO DURING AWKWARD SITUATIONS:
1. Place a penguin on your lap. The critter will absorb all the awkwardness.
(I mean LOOK at that awkward neck.)
2. Grab a coconut and two straws. Give one straw to the other person. First one to punch a hole on the coconut using only the straw wins.
3. Ask about his/her family background, emphasizing how important it is to keep Mudbloods away from the family tree.
4. Compliment the weather...literally. Talk to the clouds and tell them how much more interesting they seem to be compared to the person you are having an awkward silence with.
5. Tell them about the last movie you saw...and how you farted so loud inside the cinema.
6. Tell them about yourself. Then say "now I'm gonna have to kill you."
7. Pantomime with passion.
(staring at apples may get rid of the awkward vibe.)
8. Mimic the silence you two are creating. Make an on-the-spot remix of the quiet music and upload it on YouTube.
9. Bring out your phone...and throw it as far as you can. Encourage the other to compete against your distance record.
11. Tell them how you don't know the last number after 9.
12. Talk to the penguin. It knows much more about "breaking the ice." *pun intended*
13. Ask them to give you 9 synonyms of the word "pun" and tell them how funny the word sounds.
14. Prank contest. Whoever cries first loses.
15. Acting contest. Whoever cries first wins.
16. Staring contest. Whoever cries first must do so without blinking.
17. Point at a nearby no-existent shooting star.
18. Pretend to be playing a game show. The winner gets to keep the penguin.
19. Ask them to define "awkward" in a thirty-three paragraph-long speech.
20. Count the rocks on the floor. If none, toss around random stuff from you bag and count them. Emphasize how much you love numbers.
21. Eat non-existent pizza. Share.
(DAT face...is definitely NOT awkward.)
22. Attempt kiss. If denied, proceed kiss with penguin...or with the clouds.
23. Attempt kiss. If allowed, refuse. 'cause you're a BADASS.
24. Sing the alphabet in falsetto. Mash-up with Twinkle Twinkle.
25. You're still reading this? AWKWARD.
26. Have you tried asking their name?
27. You haven't found ANY good advice from this list? Really, how AWKWARD is that situation?
It's Glee versus Pitch Perfect today, folks! Who's gonna win?
Glee: "Don't stop believin'...hold on to that feeeelin'..."
Pitch Perfect: "Im'ma pitch slap you so hard your man-boobs are gonna concave."
I know what you're thinking: "Dev's a total Gleek and he's gonna have a total Glee bias while judging both shows." Well I'll have you know that you're right, and I really do have a Gleeky bias, and therefore I am seemingly unfit to judge the competition between Glee and Pitch Perfect.
But hold your seahorses! Remember, I'm a fan of MUSICALS in general. Which means you can screw yourself, hater (or not. Suit yourself).
1. The Humor: Glee - Glee humor often includes inside jokes that you can only relate to if you have been following the series. I guess that's a disadvantage for a TV series in the first place. Sometimes, not everybody can relate (which is NOT MY PROBLEM, 'cause I can always relate).
Glee gives you your share of laughs by using visually hilarious things. The producers intentionally put on weird looking but colorful scenarios, that most likely won't happen in real life.
(high school losers dressing as superheroes...anyone?)
Among the show's other funny weapons to unleash are Sue Sylvester's mean, sarcastic monologues and Brittany's genius IQ.
Pitch Perfect- The movie's humor is less visual and more dialogue-based. Plus points for the fact that the actors are a natural at making people laugh. Rebel Wilson, who portrays Fat Amy seems like she's not trying to be funny at ALL--and this is while you are laughing your teeth off.
The dialogues are witty and pun-tastic. And they come when you least expect it. Like when Fat Amy says...
Result: The winner for "Humor" is... Pitch Perfect! I found myself laughing at their jokes more than I was supposed to.
2. The Story:
Glee- with four seasons to develop a story with, Glee has experienced so many twists and turns. You can now actually look back at the lives of the characters and see how much they've grown. As a TV series, the story grows on you as you get more attached to the fictional lives of these high school dudes and dudettes. There were times that the story was a bit off, and it seemed like watching a badly produced horror movie, but you can see how well the show picks up afterwards. It continues to be the inspiring comedy/drama series it used to be.
And of course the show is changing! It can't stay on one path forever! Things develop, characters grow stronger, the choreography gets more complicated...and it's all part of an ever evolving TV series.
Pitch Perfect- I forgot how long the movie was, but it's probably worth two episodes of Glee. Which is good, because Pitch Perfect somehow managed to squeeze in several a capella competitions in one movie. With a very limited time, the story developed the plots of many different characters who are more complex than they first appear.
Result: While both have their inspiring elements and lovable characters, I can't really compare the story of a TV series and a movie. The time spans are too different, and a lot can happen within that time span. I mean, imagine if Pitch Perfect was four seasons long. I wonder if it could develop a complicated story like Glee? I wonder if the characters would remain funny? Same goes with Glee. If it were only two hours long, would it be enough to make a point? SO IT'S A TIE, FELLAS!
3. The Music:
Glee- well, Glee shows off the prowess of real Broadway stars such as Lea Michele and Matthew Morrison. It features the amazing vocal range of Darren Criss and Chris Colfer. Also, it boasts the appearances of experienced singers such as Broadway legends Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth. Not to mention Gwyneth Paltrow, Britney Spears, Josh Groban, Olivia Newton-John, and Ricky Martin! I love Glee covers, and find myself downloading some every so often.
Pitch Perfect- the songs are impressive, 'cause most are purely a capella. But I dunno, I just won't seem to listen to their songs as often as I do with Glee. There are really catchy renditions such as the Bellas' and the Treble Makers' Final Performances. Oh, and they feature Brittany Snow! If you've watched Hairspray before, she's Amber Von Tussle.
Result: Well, I'll leave you to this one, 'cause music is subjective. But if I were to choose, GLEE would be the winner of this round.
Just listen to their mash ups! I prefer the Glee mash ups. On top is the Pitch Perfect mash up, and below it is the Glee mash up.
So with one point each... I declare this contest a tie! After all, they're both awesomazing shows to watch. What's the point in all of this? Well, it's just a flat-out declaration that MUSICALS ARE AWEZOME!!!