And it's too late now. The future is right at our doorstep. It's time to let it in.
I found myself violently decluttering last night. And by violent, I mean showing no mercy to all forms of paper I no longer considered helpful. I got rid of a lot of it, and it felt really good.

I know that times are changing 'cause I myself am changing. Decluttering made me realize that.
Years ago, I would have held on tightly to some of those "precious" materials. Last night, I didn't even think twice. I know what's truly important now.
I know that in order to move into the future, I have to let go of the things that bind me to the past. It's moral cleansing.

If I'm restraining myself from becoming the better me I foresee in the future, then I shall let go of myself. Shed away the old skin, and grow a new one.
It's all about being unafraid.
The future is meant to be faced, so might as well face it in a shiny, brand new coat of "ME."

This is my last summer vacation. Next year will be much, much different. I feel I've gotten smarter, bolder, and much more confident. Yeah, it turns out I never lost my confidence. It just took a different form. And now that I've realized this, I shall never let it go.
Ark is flying into the future. Times are continually changing, and to be honest, I'm excited. This is the boring stage known as "the rest of my life."
Wow. It's all exhilarating.
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