Who says Ark's the only one with stupid "life realizations"???
I've got 'em too. I realize a lot o' things when I'm not doing anything. And that's most of the time. See, like how come round pizza is placed in a square box? F*ck logic, right?
But just before I could get judgmental and "judge" the people who made the pizza boxes, I realized how hard (and stupid) it must be to make "round boxes". It's silly, and it doesn't even sound good.
(completely illogical and stupid to put pizza in HERE.)
Like bowel movements. They don't sound good.
No, not literally. But this realization hit me hard enough to knock some sense into me AND MAKE ME BLOG ABOUT IT. I mean, if it's not THAT cool a realization, why would I choose it as a blog topic? You know I only produce awesomazing posts.
But trust me, brotha'. It's cool enough.
I realized... that you humans are made of meat. You're just that. Meat.
(this piece of meat is processing another piece of meat. Meatception.)
Why the hell would you run away from a tiger if you're not afraid of getting your meat stripped off your bones? What do you call 'em predators? Carnivasaurs? Carnivals? Something like that.
("you smell like meat...and dog poop. What are you?")
Point is, you're practically processed food. You're a part of the food chain, that somehow manages to do other stuff other than "being food." And think of it harder...everything you do is funny.
Meat...walking around, going to different jobs...trying to raise a family...driving cars...dreaming of a future...
And by the end of the day, you reflect upon your life... if anything in this life is worth living for. You aspire to leave your mark in this world. You try to be remembered for something good (or bad) you've done. You just wanna be special.
...but you're meat!
(meat dressing up as meat? Another Meatception, folks.)
What happens to meat when nobody eats it? It just "decomposes", just like everything else that is on the food chain. In the end, you return to what you truly are. All your dreams have become nothing but "meat thoughts."
And if you're with those lucky ones who manage to make a mark on this Earth, well...does it even matter? Other meat will remember you for being the"good meat" (or the bad meat--depends on how you wanna be remembered, dude.) That's just that.
And you know what? It is.
("No way, Dev. My life's real significant. Now excuse me while I get back to sleep.")
This is a meat world. And the sad truth is, everyone is so concerned with being "the good meat" or "the rich meat" or "the popular meat" that nobody pays attention to what YOU are trying to do. And you know what else? THAT'S NOT SUCH A BAD THING.
You humans have somehow ended up on TOP of the food chain. Because of that, you've been removed from the food cycle. You can shoot your predators dead. As easy as that.
No other meat can do that. And that's the reason you're not in the food chain no more.
That's why everything you do is important. Everything you work for, and everything you aspire to be, is all part of the thinking that "I am on top of the food chain. Now I must prove myself better than everybody else sharing this position."
And so, fresh meat, DO WHAT YOU WANNA DO. Nobody cares. Unless you run screaming through a mall carrying a bazooka and "bazooka-ing" everybody, nobody gives a sh*t with what you do with YOUR LIFE.
(unless you're a squirrel. Everybody loves squirrels with bazookas. So damn charming.)
You're just meat, with the ability to do what no other meat can do. SO DO WHAT YOU WANNA DO.
Aspire what you wanna aspire. Dream what you wanna dream. If all else fails, at least you know that nothing matters in this world except being happy with your meat life...
...before you decompose or something.
(humans are friends, NOT food.)

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