DEV: Huh? Hmm...What?
ARK: Wake up. We have to go somewhere today, remember?
DEV: Ugh... But I wanna stay in bed...ZZZ...
ARK: Dev!
DEV: Okay, okay... I'm up. Where are we going again? *rubs eyes*
ARK: We're going to Laguna. It's the educational trip our professor told us to do, remember?
DEV: But where's Laguna anyway?
ARK: not sure. But we'll meet our classmates there, so I'm sure we won't get lost. :)

DEV: Do you even know WHY we're supposed to get there?
ARK: . . .
DEV: Sheesh. Let's go eat breakfast.
ARK: Okay. But be quiet. Everyone's still sleeping.
DEV: What time is it? Look, it's just 3:15. Let's ditch this and get back to bed...
ARK: DEV!! Wake up!

...Dev? Hey! How can you sleep while standing up? Dev! Wake up!!
...Hmm... He's asleep again. *sigh* Oh, Dev, what should I do about you?
...anyway, I better prepare our breakfast before trying to wake him up again.
Happy 12-12-12, guys! :)
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