Here are the things I (and by I, I mean Ark and Cat Pig) should finish doing today:
Misssssssion 1!!!
-> Finish at least 3 articles for the newsletter thingy. Whatever a newsletter is. I don't really know...or care. But Ark's heating it up, trying to accomplish sh*t.
Ark's note: Hello everyone! This newsletter is going great. And since the articles are short and easy to finish, my objective is to finish FIVE articles today! Is it not exciting?
Missssssssssssssssssion 2!!!!
-> Finish "encoding" the Review of Related Literary Piece thingy!!

Ark's note: It's called "Review of Related Literature", and yes, I am nearly done with it. It is crazy when you can't just copy and paste things from the internet, but hey, at least we aren't violating anyone's intellectual rights.
Misssssssssssssssiiiooooon 3!!!!!!
-> Go to the dentist! But this is only if I successfully finish missions 1 and 2. So Ark and Cat Pig better step it up!
Ark's note: you should at LEAST try to help us, brother.
Misssssssssssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioooooooooooooon 4!!!!!
-> Watch GLEE!!! This aint actually a mission. It's more of a reward if I finish all them things listed up there. I heard New Directions lost at Sectionals! Yey! :D
Ark's note: Stop saying "I", because you are not helping us. "YOU" are not doing anything.
Miscellaneous Mission:
-> Help Jen with homework. Yeah. LOL. Maybe. Maybe.
And with that, I signal myself to begin all the missions! Good luck Agent Dev!
Roger that.

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