I immediately noticed two girls from my old high school. I just looked at them, knowing they'll eventually notice my awesomeness. And they did.
One of the girls said "Hey, whatta you know, it's Dev!"
And the other girl was like: "Who?"
And Girl 1 was like: "It's Dev!"
And Girl 2 still had no idea. But I don't blame her fo' that. Even my closest high school friends barely recognized me during the reunion. They said I got taller or something.

I think the members of my fans' club forgot they were members...or that the club existed. Anywho, it's the thought that counts.
Someday... Someday. I can feel it in my horns. I'll have my own wax figure where famous people have their wax figures. Hmm... Come to think of it, I can do that right now! I'll just make my own sculpture of my brilliant face, and fly it there myself.
Better get to work now. I have to make the perfect wax figure...fit for my awesomenez. BWAHAHAHA.

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