So yesterday we were at the mall, trying to drain down four
and a half hours of unproductive school hours, when Ark and I noticed the
number of girls inside the female comfort room. Ok, that didn’t sound right.
Well the door was open and we happened to pass by. You can’t blame us for
noticing, can you?
Anyway, I remembered my age-old question of why girls go to
restrooms in small groups. Why the heck can’t they go alone?
I asked a bunch of trustworthy girls I knew, to see their
point of view. Grandma said there was no reason. My classmate said they do it
for fun. But there must be something else! Something’s fishy. The girls must be
hiding something. I might as well “formulate” some guesses.

2: Maybe it’s the real way aliens abduct female humans?
Maybe they hypnotize girls into visiting the nearest comfort room and that’s
where they kidnap them and take them to Mars! And maybe they’re replaced by shape
shifting alien drones. No wonder they look prettier after stepping out of the
comfort room.
3: Maybe it’s a secret drug scheme? Probably. Girls work
together to buy/sell drugs while inside the restrooms. And since there aren’t
any CCTV cameras inside, there’s no way for them to get caught! It’s actually a
brilliant idea. But nah, that’s impossible.
4: Maybe some rock concerts are exclusively performed there?
After all, rock concerts are dominated by men. And there’s just no easy way for
a rock music-loving girl to watch those concerts, right?
5: Maybe there’s a Portkey inside every female comfort room
that leads to Hogwarts? For all those who don’t know what I’m talking about, go
ask Harry Potter. That must mean most of the girls I meet are witches, and they
could use magic! Better respect them from now on.
6: Maybe they go to comfort rooms together for safety and
protection? They also use it as a chance to look at themselves, and see if they’re
a mess. They use it as a chance to fix the way they look before reintroducing
themselves to the world! But nah, that’s impossible.
I’m still bothered. I still don’t know the answer. But I won’t
be asking anymore. I read on why girls SHOULDN’T go inside comfort
rooms alone. BAAAD things happen in there, trust me.
okay. I found this post funny. Girls go to the bathroom in small groups because we plot ways to over throw the male dominated world, so that Nyan Cat and Charlie the Unicorn can rule the world as one!!!! mwahahahahaha! *ehem. I mean, we do it so that we have someone else's opinion about our looks. :p
ReplyDeletehahahaha. Let's pretend I went blind for a few seconds and did not see that part of your comment. XD